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2020 in review: a video message from Martin Vohánka, Eurowag CEO

2020 was a tough year for everyone. It tested us to an extent modern generations have never faced before. A deadly pandemic, global warming, civil unrest and economic recession gave us all a humility lesson and reminded us of how fragile we are as passengers of this beautiful world.

2020 in review: a video message from Martin Vohánka, Eurowag CEO

But this is a year which also saw us come together with wonderful gestures and achievements. It showed our resilience, kindness and inventiveness as we fought together to overcome a truly global crisis.

We are proud to say that despite all the challenges, 2020 was a year of accomplishments for Eurowag. But our successes would not have been possible without our incredible customers, partners, investors, and team. We are truly grateful to all of you for being with us during these times.

As we embark on a new year filled with hope and renewed energy, it is our great pleasure to wish you all the very best for this exciting new phase. Let’s make 2021 our best year yet.

2020 in review: a message from Eurowag CEO Martin Vohánka

2020 in review: a message from Eurowag CEO Martin Vohánka