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9 myths about truckers that just aren't true

Truckers can be a mystery to non-truckers. And the way truckers are shown in movies, TV, and news only adds to the lack of understanding.

9 myths about truckers that just aren't true

We’re here to clear up some confusion. Here are 9 of the most common myths about truckers, together with what reality is actually like.

MYTH 1: Truckers aren’t safe.

TRUTH: Truckers have to be safe – their job depends on it. Truckers have stricter licensing requirements than regular drivers, which means more training, more education, and more practice. Drivers also have to follow regulations about legal safe driving time, ensuring that they don’t drive too long without taking any rest.

MYTH 2: Truckers are unhappy with their jobs.

TRUTH: There are unhappy people in all jobs, but on average truckers are quite satisfied with their work. A recent study from the International Road Transport Union showed that 80% of truckers in the EU were satisfied with their jobs. That’s a higher satisfaction rate than many other professions.

MYTH 3: Robots are taking jobs from truckers.

TRUTH: Drivers aren’t losing jobs at all. In fact, it’s quite the opposite: there’s a serious lack of drivers in many countries across Europe. There may be a distant future where robots do all the driving, but that’s definitely not the case now.

MYTH 4: Truckers are all men.

TRUTH: There aren’t a huge number of female truck drivers, but there are certainly some: around 2% of truck drivers in the EU are women. That number is a bit higher in the USA, where almost 6% of drivers are women.

MYTH 5: Truckers are lonely.

TRUTH: Trucking might seem like a lonely job, but it doesn’t have to be. Truckers get the opportunity to visit all sorts of different and unique places, and meet with all types of people. And there are many communities (both online and in person) that are just for truckers. A shared job is a great way to connect with other people, and trucking can lead to valuable relationships.

MYTH 6: Truckers are unhealthy.

TRUTH: Truckers can be unhealthy, but they don’t have to be. Many truckers pack healthy food for their journeys and manage to incorporate fitness routines into their day. There are even social media accounts dedicated to exercise ideas for truckers.

MYTH 7: Truckers aren’t appreciated.

TRUTH: The coronavirus pandemic has made it clearer than ever: our society relies on truckers. Without truckers, we wouldn’t have food on our shelves, goods in our stores, or any of the modern conveniences of life people are used to. Eurowag even prepared a special Christmas contest to thank truckers for their hard work (truckers, go ahead and join!).

MYTH 8: Trucking is the most dangerous job available.

TRUTH: There are always risks when it comes to driving. But trucking isn’t the most dangerous profession: both manufacturing and construction are considerably riskier.

MYTH 9: Anyone can be a trucker.

TRUTH: Trucking is not a job for everyone. A good trucker needs to be responsible, reliable, punctual, and an excellent driver. These skills are hard to find, and that’s why good truckers are so valuable.

Did we miss any popular myths? Let us know in our all-new Facebook community just for truckers: Truck Stars! All truckers are welcome to join. It’s your place to find news, updates, humor, contests and more. Join now for your chance to enter our Christmas giveaway and win from 100+ prizes worth over 10,000 euros!