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New Czech toll system

Register with us now to get your OBUs on time! The start of the new Czech toll system announced to 1st December 2019 is coming, officially confirmed also by the Czech government.

New Czech toll system

The start of the new Czech toll system announced to 1st December 2019 is coming, officially confirmed also by the Czech government.

More than a month ago we have launched the registration to the new Czech toll system via EUROWAG client web. If you have not registered all your vehicles yet, now it is the perfect moment in order to get your OBUs in time!

As we started the pre-registration in advance, the customers who filled the pre-registration form on EUROWAG client web are already receiving the contracts from MYTO CZ for signature and many of them have already even received or picked up the OBUs.

They are 100 % ready for the 1st December 2019 and can concentrate on what matters the most to them: their on-road business.

The situation regarding the new Czech toll system seems to be a bit unclear sometimes. But as the Czech expert for Czech toll, we at EUROWAG do our best to inform our clients about everything what is necessary in order to make their transition as easy and painless as possible.

Would you like to be also so well informed? Register now!  

  • If you are EW client please log in into the Clients zone via link and in the left menu choose “Toll” – “Toll registration” and then choose “Czech Republic”. Then click on the button “VEHICLE REGISTRATION” where you will fill in the necessary data and upload the vehicle documents for requested vehicles.
  • You are not our client yet but would like to become one? Visit: and become a Eurowag client, the online registration process takes just a few minutes.