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New Toll Fees for Trucks in Europe Since 2023

Europe, known for its efficient road infrastructure and extensive network of highways, has seen some significant changes implemented in the form of new toll fees for trucks in 2023. These changes aim to address various concerns, including environmental issues, infrastructure maintenance costs, and fair competition among transport operators. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the new toll fees for trucks in Europe, highlighting the key changes and what to expect in the future based on current trends.

New Toll Fees for Trucks in Europe Since 2023

Introduction of Tolls and Prices

The road infrastructure in Europe requires substantial investment in construction, maintenance, and repairs. Toll fees are one way to generate revenue to cover these costs and ensure that roads are well-maintained and safe for use. These tolls, or charges levied on trucks for the use of certain roads or highways, are typically based on factors such as distance travelled, vehicle weight, and emissions. Toll fees can also be used to address environmental concerns by incentivizing the use of greener vehicles or alternative modes of transportation.

History and How Often Prices Increase

The history of toll fees in Europe spans several decades, with varying trends and patterns in different countries and regions. Toll rates are typically influenced by a range of factors, including road infrastructure costs, maintenance expenses, environmental impacts, and economic considerations. Over the years, toll prices have undergone changes in response to these factors and the evolving needs of the road transport industry.

One notable aspect of toll prices in Europe is the frequency of toll rate increases. Toll rates are not static and can be subject to adjustments over time. The frequency of toll rate increases varies depending on the country and region, with some countries implementing changes annually while others do so periodically based on economic or infrastructure needs.

For instance, some countries may adjust toll rates based on inflation, rising maintenance costs, or investments in road infrastructure improvements. These adjustments are typically made to ensure that toll prices keep up with the changing economic landscape and the costs associated with road maintenance and development.

Categories of Truck Fees

Toll fees for trucks in Europe are generally classified according to several criteria, such as the vehicle's weight, number of axles, distance travelled, and emission class. The pricing structure can vary from country to country, and even within the same country, there can be variations depending on the road network.

In Germany, for instance, tolls are applied to trucks weighing more than 7.5 tonnes. To further determine the toll amount, trucks are then categorised based on number of axles, emission class, and total weight. The number of kilometers to be tolled is recorded using an OBU from TollCollect, and the fee per kilometer ranges from 0.081 euros to 0.218 euros.

In France, tolls are compulsory for trucks above 3.5 tones in weight. These trucks are required to use an onboard unit that complies with the French TIS PL system for seamless toll payment. The toll fees in France are categorised based on a truck's overall height, gross weight, and number of axles. 

In Austria, every motorway and expressway is tolled. Driving on these roads requires you to purchase a GO box from GO Maut that records the number of kilometers covered, which are subject to toll. Other factors which affect toll rates include the number of axles on and emission class of a vehicle.

In Belgium, the road network is divided into three regions: Flanders, which includes the Brussels motorway, Brussels city center, and Wallonia. Each of these regions establishes its own road taxes and charges. The toll to be paid per kilometre within all areas is determined by the allowable total weight (starting at 3.5 tonnes) and the corresponding emission class. The total amount of the toll is therefore determined by the number of kilometres driven, which is recorded using a Viapass onboard unit. Tolls on the highway vary only slightly, ranging from 0.076 euros to 0.206 euros per kilometre, depending on the vehicle category. 

Fees on toll roads in Italy are calculated based on the distance travelled and the number of axles on the truck. One of the ways to pay toll fees in Italy is by using The Telepass.

Changes in Various Countries 

Toll prices in European countries are subject to changes over time due to various factors such as inflation, infrastructure improvements, and government policies. Let us look at the recent change in toll prices for some European countries.

  • Czechia: The Czech toll price for trucks in 2023 is currently set at approximately 14 cents per kilometer, varying based on the number of axles and pollutant class of the vehicle.
  • Slovakia: As of 2023, the toll price for vehicles weighing over 3.5 tones in Slovakia is set at 10 euros for a 10-day validity period, 17 euros for one month, and 60 euros annually.
  • Poland: The Minister for Infrastructure announced changes in electronic toll prices for heavy-duty vehicles in Poland, which will take effect from January 1st, 2023. The adjustments depend on factors such as exhaust emissions, road type, and vehicle weight, ranging from 3 to 8 groszy per kilometer. These changes aim to ensure sustainable funding for road infrastructure and reduce the environmental impact of heavy vehicles.
  • Germany: On January 1st, 2023, the German government amended the Federal Trunk Road Toll Act to change toll rates. The changes differentiated toll rates based on weight and axle class, with external costs carrying more weight. The increase in toll fees will be particularly steep for older vehicles in emission classes Euro V and earlier. The road toll increase will be lower for HGVs with higher emission classes, with only a 3.8% increase for an 18-ton Euro VI lorry. However, operators of Euro V classed lorries will face an average increase of 27.5% in their toll road fees.
  • Austria: As per the Central Association of Forwarding & Logistics (ZV), Austrian toll prices for the EURO VI toll class have been raised by 4% for the year 2023, while toll rates for other classes have seen increases ranging from 2.29% to 2.8%. This increase affected the rates of several highways and bridges. You can Click here to see a full chart of information.
  • Hungary: The toll prices for trucks weighing over 3.5 tones in Hungary are currently set at 5500Ft for a 10-day validity period, 8900Ft for one month, and 49190Ft for a year.
  • Romania: The toll prices for vehicles over 3.5 tones in Romania are currently set at €6 for a 7-day validity period, €16 for 30 days, €36 for 90 days, and €96 for a one-year period.
  • France: Starting February 1st, 2023, French toll prices increased on average by 4.75% after being reviewed based on a formula tied to the country's inflation rate. However, electric vehicles are exempt from this increase, and their owners can enjoy a 5% discount on specific road networks throughout the year. Additionally, the discount for regular round trips has been increased from 30% to 40%, meaning regular drivers also stand to benefit from this change.
  • Spain: In January 2023, the Spanish Government approved a 4% increase in toll fees in Spain, which is significantly lower than the 8 or 9% increase requested by the companies that run these operations. In total, 11 toll roads in Spain will implement the price increases, and although the Ministry of Transport has not yet updated the prices, toll booth operators have begun to release their revised rates.
  • Belgium (Wallonia Region): As of Sunday, January 1st, 2023, new tariffs for the kilometer charge have been applied in Wallonia. These were an index adjustment and affected all Belgian and foreign heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of more than 3.5 tons and semi-trailer towing vehicles of category N1 with body code BC. No toll roads were added on January 1st. The tariffs for the kilometer charge in Flanders and Brussels were indexed on July 1st. Furthermore, the Liefkenshoek Tunnel in Belgium will have new toll rates next year, with the range of the tariff change between 12.4% and 18.6% for single tariffs.
  • Øresund Bridge: The toll rates for the Øresund Bridge, which connects Denmark and Sweden, will be adjusted. Visit this website for more pricing information.
  • Bulgaria: Toll rates in Bulgaria were also adjusted as of July 1st, 2022. You can review this website to learn more.
  • Mont-Blanc and Fréjus Tunnel: Toll rates for the Mont-Blanc and Fréjus  Tunnel, which connects France and Italy, were also adjusted. Click the link for more information on the toll rates for the Mont-Blanc Tunnel. The link for the information on the Fréjus Tunnel will be updated as soon as the new rates are announced.
  • Roviniete: Lastly, toll rates in Roviniete, Romania, will be adjusted in 2023. Click here for more information.

If you’d like to stay updated on toll rates or other valuable news, be sure to check your client portal and e-mail.

What to Expect in the Future

Toll prices are likely to continue facing upward pressures due to increasing maintenance costs of existing infrastructure, growing demand for new infrastructure developments, and inflationary pressures on operational costs. Additionally, environmental concerns and emission reduction goals may also impact toll pricing, with potential incentives or penalties(as already experienced in France this year) based on vehicle emissions levels.

One notable change worth mentioning is the gradual phasing out of the current toll system operated by SkyToll in Slovakia, which is set to end by June 2023. With advancements in technology, tolling systems are becoming more sophisticated and may introduce dynamic pricing models based on factors such as congestion, time of day, and vehicle type. This may lead to more variable toll pricing based on real-time conditions, which could affect trucking companies’ budgeting and operational strategies.

How Eurowag Can Help

Eurowag is a leading provider of toll and fleet management solutions in Europe. We offer different services to help our clients manage their toll payments efficiently and save money. We provide a single toll box that covers multiple countries, allowing our clients to avoid the hassle of multiple toll systems and invoices. This saves them time and can help reduce administrative costs. Our toll box works in more than 23 European countries and allows clients to pay toll fees online without stopping at toll booths.

Eurowag also offers VAT refund services for toll fees, which can help trucking companies save money on their taxes. We offer a fuel card that can be used to pay for tolls, as well as fuel and other expenses. Our fuel card offers our clients discounts on fuel prices and also allows them to manage their expenses easily.

We also offer a comprehensive fleet management system which allows clients to track their vehicles in real-time, monitor fuel consumption, and optimise routes to reduce costs. Our system also allows clients to receive alerts about toll prices and other expenses, ensuring that they never miss a payment or face penalties for late payments.