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Simple Tips to Improve Your Fuel Consumption

Even though our engines need fuel to function, you can still make certain improvements to lower fuel expenses and save money while driving. If you are on a tight budget and looking for ways to reduce your fuel consumption, this article offers some helpful tips on managing your fuel.

Simple Tips to Improve Your Fuel Consumption

Fuel and Its Impact on the Environment

Despite being an invaluable resource for our modern way of life, fuel has a negative impact on both the environment and human health. When it burns, it releases harmful gases like Nitrogen Oxide into the atmosphere. When consumed regularly, these gasses can damage the respiratory system. It also promotes the formation of fine particulate pollution, which is harmful to humans and plants. However, when we avoid wasting fuel, we reduce the chances of introducing this gas into the atmosphere, which reduces air pollution.

What Are the Main Causes of Poor Fuel Consumption?

Many things can influence fuel consumption, including the following:

Poor Driving Habits

Many drivers are unaware that harsh braking or sudden acceleration can waste a significant amount of fuel. When you accelerate quickly, your car's engine has to work harder to move the vehicle, burning more fuel in the process. Similarly, harsh braking causes your vehicle to lose momentum. This means that the engine has to work harder to get the car moving again, consuming more fuel in the process.

The Quality of Your Engine Oil

This is one thing that many people overlook when buying engine oil. They often choose cheap, poor-quality oil instead of choosing the best one for their car. However, using the motor oil can lead to higher fuel consumption because it makes the parts of your engine move less freely. This puts a lot of pressure on the engine, making it use more fuel than required to function well.

Faulty Engine

Driving a car with a faulty engine will make it use more fuel than necessary. For example, an engine with weak valves and worn-out injectors will have a higher fuel consumption. Consider servicing your engine and replacing faulty parts to avoid burning more fuel.

Using the Wrong Gear

Every gear is designed to have a specific speed limit. Driving at a higher speed in the wrong gear will make the engine consume more fuel on steeper inclines. Shifting to an optimal gear for the current terrain and speed is more efficient for the engine.

How to Avoid Wasting Fuel and Reduce Fuel Consumption

Here are some tips on how you can avoid wasting fuel:

Reduce Weight

Carrying excess weight will make your engine use more fuel. This is due to the fact that the engine has to work harder in order to move the extra weight. Consider removing all unnecessary items in your car to improve fuel efficiency.

Driving Style

Your driving style is one of the biggest factors influencing fuel consumption. Gentle acceleration and use of the appropriate gears will enable your engine to run efficiently with less fuel and make your driving much smoother. This will help you drive safely and save fuel in the long run.

Reduce the Use of Your Air Conditioner

Using the air conditioner frequently increases fuel consumption. This is because it requires the engine to function. So, avoid using it all the time in order to save fuel.

Ensure Your Tires Are Properly Inflated

Keeping your tires at optimal levels of inflation will help you use less fuel. When a tire is underinflated, it has a higher rolling resistance on the road. This means that the more you move, the more your tire generates friction and rolling resistance, making your vehicle move less efficiently and increasing fuel consumption.

What Driving Techniques Can Save Fuel?

You can save fuel by learning how different driving habits affect fuel economy and knowing techniques to reduce fuel consumption. Here are some tips on the best driving techniques that can help you save fuel.

Avoid Filling Up Your Tank

Avoid filling up your tank if possible because fuel is heavy, and this will add extra weight to the car. For example, if it takes 85 liters to fill your tank, this could be considered excess weight. However, if you top it up as needed, you will carry less weight and fuel.

Avoid Idling

Idling for a long period will have a negative impact on your fuel consumption, not to mention the harmful nitrogen gas you will release into the atmosphere. It is better to turn off your engine when not in use and restart it again when you want to move, as this uses less fuel than leaving it running at a stationary position. 

Avoid Traffic

It is almost impossible to avoid traffic, especially during holidays. However, there are some tricks you can use to minimize driving in traffic and save your fuel. For starters, avoid driving during rush hour whenever possible. This might mean waking up early when there are less drivers on the road. You should also avoid driving through busy areas where you will need to apply the brake more frequently, which will require the engine to work harder.

Maintain Your Car

Keeping your car in good shape will reduce fuel consumption because it won't be wasted by worn-out parts or leaking pipes. Therefore, it is essential to service your car regularly to ensure everything is in working order and to detect faults on time.

Eurowag Can Help Reduce Fleet Fuel Consumption

Eurowag’s fleet management with advanced telematics provides valuable information about fuel consumption for every vehicle in your fleet. Monitor vehicles in real time, optimize route planning on the fly, and get useful insights about driver behavior that can help you find ways to improve habits and reduce idle times. The diagnostic data provided for each vehicle can also ensure adherence to proper maintenance schedules.

With the better data offered by our fleet management software, you’ll have access to all the tools you need to get the most out of each liter of petrol used. Contact Eurowag today and find out how we can help you go further on the road to success!