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Toll for Trucks in Poland: All You Need to Know

If you're planning a trip through Poland or your destination lies within its borders, it's important to be aware of the local circumstances beforehand. Why? Well, the toll system for trucks in Poland is not the same everywhere you go, and the rules and fees can vary depending on the specific roads you'll be traveling on. To avoid any surprises or confusion, it's important to know and understand the toll requirements for trucks in different areas of Poland. Keep reading, as this article will tell you all you need to know before hitting the road.

Toll for Trucks in Poland: All You Need to Know

Toll in General

Tolls are fees charged to users of certain roads, bridges, or tunnels to contribute to the convenience and maintenance of these facilities. You can either pay the toll in cash at toll booths or use electronic systems that make the process quicker. The money collected from tolls is then used to keep roads in good shape and support other infrastructure projects. The amount you pay for tolls can vary depending on factors such as location, the type of vehicle you're using, and other relevant factors.

Toll System in Poland

The toll system in Poland plays a crucial role in funding the maintenance, development, and expansion of the country's road infrastructure. It is designed to ensure a fair and sustainable revenue source while providing an efficient and well-connected transportation network. 

Types of Toll

Here is an overview of the types of toll systems in Poland.

  • Toll Classification - The toll system in Poland differentiates between vehicles based on their weight. Vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tonnes and motorcycles are only subject to tolls on specific motorways, namely the A1, A2, and A4.
  • e-TOLL System - For vehicles with a total weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes, an electronic toll collection system called e-TOLL is mandatory. This includes buses, trucks, and other heavy commercial vehicles. The e-TOLL system encompasses toll motorways, expressways, and selected national roads.

Payments for Toll

When it comes to paying tolls in Poland, the payment method varies depending on the toll system operator and the specific motorway or expressway. Here's what you need to know:

  • A2 and A4 Motorways - On the A2 (Konin - Stryków) and A4 (Wrocław - Sośnica) motorways, which operate as free-flow toll roads, the only option for payment is through an e-Ticket. You can purchase an e-Ticket via a mobile application, online, or at designated distribution points. This electronic ticket allows for seamless passage through the toll points without the need for physical payment.
  • Other Motorways - For toll payments on other motorways, various options are available. Vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes can be paid for at toll gates. You can pay in cash, by credit card, by fuel card, or through an On-Board Unit (OBU). These payment methods provide flexibility for road users.
  • Mobile App Payments - In addition to paying at toll gates, you can pay for the A1 Gdańsk-Toruń motorway using the AmberGo application. Additionally, the Autopay application can be used for payment on the A1(Gdansk-Torun) and A4 (Katowice-Krakow) private systems. 

Toll Allocation

All proceeds from the toll collection, including both motorways and expressways, are received at the National Roads Fund. These funds are then allocated towards ongoing investments in expanding the road network and upgrading existing infrastructure across Poland.

Driving Rules for Trucks

When it comes to driving trucks in Poland, it is essential to be aware of the specific rules and regulations that apply. Adhering to these guidelines ensures safety on the roads and compliance with the country's transportation laws. Here are some important driving rules for trucks in Poland:

  1. Speed Limits - Trucks in Poland have specific speed limits that differ from those for cars. On motorways, the maximum speed for trucks with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes is typically 80 km/h, while on expressways, it is 70 km/h. In built-up areas, the speed limit for trucks is 50 km/h unless otherwise indicated by local signage.
  1. Overtaking - Driving in Poland is typically on the right side of the road, and overtaking is usually done on the left. When overtaking, it is essential to use proper signaling, maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, and ensure there is sufficient space to complete the maneuver safely.
  1. Driving Restrictions - There is a driving restriction on all vehicles with over 12 tonnes maximum permissible weight from 8 am-10 pm on all holidays and from 6 pm-10 pm on the eve of any holiday.
  1. Driver Rest Periods - In Poland, truck drivers are required to follow specific regulations regarding rest periods and driving time limits. Here are the key provisions regarding driving time limits for truck drivers in Poland:
  • Daily Driving Time: The maximum daily driving time for truck drivers in Poland is 11 hours. 
  • Weekly Driving Time: The weekly driving time limit must not exceed 60 hours. This includes the total hours spent driving during a seven-day period, starting from the first day of work.
  • Two-Week Total Driving Time: Over a two-week period, truck drivers must ensure that the total driving time does not exceed 96 hours. 
  • Breaks During Driving: After driving for five and a half hours, truck drivers are required to take a break of at least forty-five minutes.
  • Weekly Rest Period: During the regular weekly rest period, truck drivers have the option to spend it in the vehicle, provided that suitable sleeping accommodation is available and the vehicle is stationary.

History of Toll in Poland

Prior to July 1, 2011, drivers of the heaviest vehicles weighing above 12 tonnes in Poland were required to pay a flat toll for using the national road network. This toll was collected in the form of paper vignettes, which drivers had to purchase and display in their vehicles. The revenue generated from the sale of these vignettes was primarily used to compensate private operators of motorways. However, the government had to cover the distribution costs from its own funds, making the system financially unsustainable and inefficient.

Recognizing the need for a more effective toll collection system, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) and the Ministry of Infrastructure initiated a tender procedure in late 2010 for the development of an electronic toll collection system in Poland. This marked the beginning of the viaTOLL electronic toll collection system, which was officially launched on July 1, 2011.

The viaTOLL system aimed to replace the outdated paper vignette system, providing a more efficient and convenient way to collect tolls. It introduced electronic payment methods, allowing drivers to pay their tolls using various payment options. However, with advancements in technology and the need for further improvements, the viaTOLL system was eventually replaced by a more modern and advanced toll collection system called the e-TOLL system. 

On June 24, 2021, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) introduced the e-TOLL system, which offered enhanced features and capabilities. The e-TOLL system introduced newer technologies and streamlined processes, making toll payments more efficient and convenient for truck drivers in Poland. It replaced the viaTOLL system, which was subsequently switched off on September 30, 2021, marking the full transition to the new e-TOLL system.

How Can Eurowag Help You With Tolls in Poland?

At Eurowag, we understand the challenges that truck drivers and businesses face when it comes to toll management, and that’s why we have created solutions specifically designed to simplify the toll payment process and offer personalized benefits tailored to your needs. 

Our user-friendly online platform and mobile application provide an intuitive interface for managing your toll payments with ease. With just a few clicks, you can monitor, track, and pay your toll fees in Poland, eliminating the hassle of paperwork and multiple transactions.

We also offer you toll solutions that seamlessly integrate with the e-TOLL system in Poland, ensuring automated toll calculations and payments. By removing the need for manual calculations, our system reduces the risk of errors or missed payments, allowing you to rely on our technology for efficient toll management. 

You can take advantage of our EVA (enhanced vehicle assistant) device, which provides simplified toll payments across Europe, anti-fraud technology, and powerful fleet management software all in one device. By installing EVA in your truck, you gain access to a range of benefits, such as:

  • Real-time visibility of your entire fleet: With a centralized dashboard, you can monitor each vehicle's location, status, and performance.
  • Profitable route planning: By analyzing real-time traffic data, road conditions, and toll information, EVA suggests the most efficient paths to minimize costs and maximize productivity.
  • Driver performance improvement: EVA tracks driver behavior and performance, enabling you to identify areas for improvement.

Contact us today to learn more about the toll system for trucks in Poland.