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Suspension Of UK HGV Road User Levy For One Year

The UK HGV Road User Levy is to be suspended for one year from 1st August 2020 to 31st July 2021.

Suspension Of UK HGV Road User Levy For One Year

The UK Government understands the difficulties that the industry has faced during the Covid-19 pandemic and hopes to ease some of that burden with a 12-month suspension of the HGV Levy. The UK HGV Road User Levy is to be suspended for one year from 1st August 2020 to 31st July 2021. This means that during the suspension period haulers will not need to purchase a Levy when coming into the UK. If haulers have purchased a 12 month or 6-month levy and there are whole months remaining during the suspension period, they will be able to apply for a rebate.