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We endorsed it: From Prague to Valencia by electric car to the inaugural event FIA ecoRally 2022

Eurowag regularly endorses interesting projects in different areas, and the field of mobility is not an exception. We are proud partners of two crews who took part in the first race of this year's ecoRally Cup 2022 series in Valencia, Spain.

We endorsed it: From Prague to Valencia by electric car to the inaugural event FIA ecoRally 2022

What electric car took the crews to Spain?  

EcoRally races feature regular cars without modifications, so it is possible to travel directly to the track in the racing car. This year, both crews chose the Hyundai KONA Electric car, a small electric SUV - also known as a crossover. The Korean carmaker is serious about electromobility, and KONA is proof of that.

The crew of the red electric car Michal Žďárský and Jakub Nábělek and the crew of the white electric car Martin Peterka and Petr Beneš.

Do recharging stops make your trip longer?  

The route from Prague to the competition site near Valencia can be done entirely on the motorway. The way runs through Germany and France and is just over 2000 km. An electric car cannot handle such a ride on a single charge - on the contrary: several were needed. However, given the length of the journey, the crew ended up appreciating the charging stops to stretch out and rest briefly.

The crews also praise how easy recharging in Europe is today, especially considering Michal and Jakub's experience a year ago. Now, it is possible to recharge an electric car anywhere with the help of a universal card, which gives access to any charging station.

The crew treated the electric car "ideally", maintaining its battery between 20% and 80% of the current battery level. This range guarantees the highest charging power. It was therefore charged more than once and for shorter periods. And the stops of both crews went from 20 to 50 minutes for one recharge.

It would seem that, overall, the ride takes longer compared to a car with a conventional internal combustion engine as a result of the frequent stops. However, the difference is not significant. Even in a standard vehicle, you stop for refreshments, quick runs to the toilet, or perhaps to enjoy a point of interest along the way. So the total difference in time spent on such a long journey is closer to tens of minutes rather than many hours.

In addition, driving an electric car has one main advantage - it is very comfortable. Minor vibrations and noise of a conventional internal combustion engine may not be a problem on shorter journeys. Nonetheless, they will take their toll when driving on motorways across Europe. So whereas a petrol or diesel car wears you out, an electric car makes you feel fresh and relaxed during the trip thanks to the absence of vibration and noise.

What about scheduling recharging?  

Gone are the days when you had to plan a route and calculate the distance to the nearest electric car charging station. Modern technology, telematics, smart applications - it all works in your favour.

The web of charging points has gotten so wide that you can simply let yourself be guided to the nearest charging point only when it is really needed. No more complicated preparations if you do not want to go through that kind of planning before a trip.

What are the benefits of EuroWag telematics when traveling in an electric car?  

The crew of the electric car has an overview of the entire route, not only the distance traveled and the time taken. Telematics also shows all charges, including kWh charged and time spent charging.

At the same time, it is also possible to conveniently plan the next charge. Over the long journey, we also appreciated that the battery temperature in the telematics application was visible, which is a crucial feature for optimal charging of the electric car.

It is cheaper to travel in an electric car?  

Is it cheaper to travel in an electric car?The answer to this question depends greatly on what you pay for electricity. Unlike conventional fuels, electricity prices vary considerably (even within the same charging station, depending on your customer tariff). Overall, the price per kilometre was cheaper than a combustion car - about CZK 1.4 per kilometre.

It should be borne in mind that charging stations along motorways are generally more expensive, which influences the price shared above. By comparison, if you drive an electric car and have the chance to charge at home, you can drive for 0.4 CZK per kilometre. This is a big difference in cost per kilometre compared to an internal combustion car. Other advantages that should not be overlooked are the benefits of lower costs associated with parking fees and motorway usage and lower costs for regular servicing.

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