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You can now pay for Toll in Latvia and Estonia by purchasing an e-vignette directly with your Eurowag card

Dear Customers, We have some great news to share with you. You can now register for toll in Estonia and Latvia directly using our Eurowag clients portal.

You can now pay for Toll in Latvia and Estonia by purchasing an e-vignette directly with your Eurowag card

More information about the tolls:

In Estonia - EE and Latvia - LV it is required to pay toll via an electronic vignette for all vehicles that weigh:  More than 3.5 tonnes in EE and are used for public road network.

More than 3 tonnes in LV.  The toll fees apply to approximately 3,500 km of roads.

The toll rate in Baltic coutries depends on:  the total weight of the vehicle and its trailer, the number of axles and the emission class of the vehicle.  the time-based road toll - the purchase of which lets one use the roads for an agreed period of time.

The time-based toll can be paid by purchasing a daily, weekly, monthly or annual e-vignette.  Road toll is not dependent on the number of kilometers driven.  List of the toll tariffs:  EE:  LV:  How to arrange new toll?

Arranging a LV/EE vignette is a simple process and can be done in 3 steps:


1) ACTIVATE THE TOLL  LV/EE Toll needs to be activated via clients web in a specific section of the website  /Exception are Polish and Baltic country customers for whom toll has been pre-activated/

2) COMPLETE VEHICLE DETAILS ONLINE  Customers need to complete a special table ‘‘List of vehicles‘‘ available on client web for each truck and wait for the activation of the truck status.  Customers will only be able to order e-vignettes for those trucks.

3) WAIT FOR ACTIVATED STATUS  All trucks in the table will shortly be activated (up to 8 hours) for the customers to use.

4) PURCHASE A VIGNETTE via Clients Web  Customer can purchase an e-vignette online via Eurowag Clients Portal or order a daily vignette by calling a specific phone number


1) ACTIVATE THE TOLL on the CARD BASIS  LV/EE Toll needs to be activated via clients web in a specific section of the website

2) PAY A DEPOSIT  A customer needs to pay the deposit for the specific truck and toll. A customer is only able to place an order for e-vignettes whem a deposit has been paid to the account

3) PURCHASE A VIGNETTE via Clients Web  Once the deposit is paid customer can either register for an e-vignette online via Eurowag Clients Portal or order a daily vignette by calling a specific phone number.

Four important notes – what you need to know before ordering your e-vignette online?

1) The e-vignette should start working no later than 1 week from the moment of purchase.

2) The e-vignette starts working at midnight, which practically means from the next day.

3) You should not overlap the expiry dates of the e-vignettes.

4) Latvian HGV of weight less then 3 tonnes and Estonian HGV of less then 3,5 tonnes will not be able to have an e-vignette.